Q&A: Clay Deutsch on the Evolution of Risk

Posted by Taylor Nemeth on Aug 26, 2020 10:05:00 AM

Clayton Deutsch has been a strategic advisor to PaymentWorks since our early days, bringing us decades of experience in the financial sector, most recently as CEO of Boston Private Bank.  Prior to that he was a managing director at McKinsey.  Clay brings an unrivaled perspective on what risk assessment entails and what is at stake for a company if a payments fraud gets through.  Our head of strategy and market development, Taylor Nemeth, recently sat down with Clay to discuss why it’s so difficult to solve the problem of securely and efficiently onboarding vendors, and how this problem contributes to the overall risk a company needs to manage.

Originally recorded for our initial podcast,  the conversation is excerpted below and has been edited for clarity. You can listen to the entire podcast here.

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Topics: compliance, payments fraud

Mutually Exclusive? Cyber Insurance Coverage & Payments Fraud

Posted by Angela Sarno on Aug 11, 2020 10:02:00 AM

Mapping the landscape of insurance that businesses require to secure their property, assets, and employees is a massive and complex task. Policies are simultaneously hyper-specific and unintelligible; counsel and executives alike can find the paperwork confusing or obtuse.

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Topics: compliance, payments fraud, insurance


Digital Supplier Onboarding for Secure, Compliant, and Optimized Business Payments.

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